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The Prince Wows in Western Australia

The Prince rotating deck oven is as impressive as it is powerful. We generally only recommend this showpiece oven for larger venues that can truly take advantage of the theatrical nature of the way it cooks pizza. For a local pizza store owner in rural Western Australia, however, no other deck oven would suffice: she was determined to make The Prince her store's unique point of difference.

Situated in Karath, in upper Western Australia, Kathy's pizza bar is a local favourite. We initially discouraged her from purchasing a rotating deck oven, suggesting our standard deck ovens would be a better fit for her store given its remote location and limited local population.

Kathy was adamant though, and we soon found out why. It wasn't the patented Pizza Recall System (PRS) that convinced her, or the advanced control panel designed to perfectly cook every pizza. Rather, she wanted to put on a show for her loyal patrons and strengthen the local community vibe.

Consider it lesson learned for the team at The Good Lady: sometimes the passion and desire to WOW customers has no rules.

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